Monday, May 16, 2005

Hailing Frequency Open

Welcome everyone to the grand opening of the Hailing Frequency Podcast! Hailing Frequency is the first podcast dedicated to covering the many aspects of Star Trek gaming. From the latest news and information on the upcoming games such as the MMOG Star Trek Online, to the older games such as Armada, Bridge Commander, Starfleet Command and more. We'll talk about the Fleets, RPGS, arcade games, board games, flash games... any game that has the Star Trek name attached! You can find interviews with developers, publishers, modders, and people who develop fan based Star Trek games. Hosted by me, ChessMess, a stand up guy *cough* who has spent the last 32 years watching Star Trek and nearly as many playing the games that surround it. I'm fired up about this and am proud to announce the very first episode is now available!!

You can download the file directly by right-clicking the following icon and then doing a save-as to download it to your computer:

Direct Link

Alternatively you can point an RSS aggrigator such as ipodder or doppler at the following feed and have the file auto-downloaded whenever a new one becomes available:

RSS Feed with MP3 enclosure

About Todays Show

Today's show, recorded at the end of April (yes it took me a bit of time to get it out), is an introduction episode where I talk about what we want to do with the show and give you a little background on myself and Star Trek Gaming Universe.

Feedback for the episode can be made in the comments section here or at the Hailing Frequency dedicated board at the Star Trek Gaming Universe forums.

Here are the show notes:

  • Intro montage courtesy of Perpetual Entertainment
  • Show Id
  • Audio montage for a answering machine but seemed to fit well in this context
  • Introduction to Hailing Frequency
  • Who is the host?
  • History of Star Trek Gaming Universe
  • Call phone # to leave audio messages for show (206) 350-7848 … not toll free
  • End of Show
  • Outro partial song "Run don't stop having fun" by Sonny Jim

You can find this podcast, regardless of where it gets hosted (and it will probably move) by using the URL of


Sending us feedback about the shows can be done one of several ways:

  1. Email - send me an email at
  2. Email with Audio Attachment - Send me an email with an attached mp3 file and I'll play it on the show! If you have a question, I'll answer it, if you just want to promote your fleet, website, star trek game, mod or anything else then that works as well. Just ensure its MP3, any other format will go straight to the deleted folder.
  3. Phone Feedback - You can call our dedicated phone line at (206) 350-7848 and leave me an audio message up to five minutes in length that is sent to me as a mp3 file for inclusion in the show.
  4. Post in the Blogger Comments - If you have an account on blogger then you can leave a comment on the blog.
  5. Post in the Hailing Frequency Forum - We post news about each new episode at Star Trek Gaming Universe and each news posting allows people to post feedback, much as you do with postings here at Blogger.

That is quite a few methods so pick one and let us know what you think about the show! Also let us know if you are interested in being interviewed or have ideas that you'd think would be helpful for improving the show.


Want to get the word out about your efforts in the Star Trek gaming world? Send me a promo and I'll play it on the podcast!


I'm open to working with you to advertise your products on the podcast, just email and let me know. Game publishers this is a great opportunity!


I'll put up a paypal link that you can donate some funds to for this effort. I need to upgrade my equipment to a good quality noise-canceling microphone and a better portable media recording device like an I-River , rather then the laptop that I'm currently using. I'm hoping that some advertising/sponsorship will help me out in this respect, but I'm more then happy to put out a virtual tip jar to also make it happen. Look for that addition to the blog sidebar soon.

Finally thanks to everyone who downloads and listens to the podcast. I'm not the most proficient of speakers, so please excuse the excessive use of "uhhs" or mis-pronunciations… I will get better over time, promise! I'm looking to publish a new podcast weekly, but may do it bi-weekly or even more often depending on how much time and energy I have. Subscribe to the RSS feeds to stay updated, or keep your eyes on this blog or to see when a new episode becomes available.

All the best!


ChessMess said...

You are welcome to leave comments here, or as several others already have, at this location:

STGU Hailing Frequency #1 Comments

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